Monday, July 01, 2013

Dilbert - Timeless

If you have been working/have worked in a corporate, then there's a 99.99% probability that you would have come across Scot Adams Dilbert. If you belong to the  0.01% outlier group (and I would fail to understand the reason - Maybe you have a pointy haired boss :0 ), then drop your pen, close your books,  switch off your ipad, command+W your work windows and go to Barnes & Nobles/Amazon/Flipkart and get that Dilbert series  OR visit the website. You will be all smiles!

I first came across this comic strip on my newspapers Sunday edition. It was later, when I got my job and started working that I started to appreciate the sly humour.

So why am I writing a blog on Dilbert after being 12 years in corporate world. Well , time and again you come  across situations which you can directly relate to those priceless/timeless gems from Scott Adams.

Am having some "Dilbertian moments" and so here are few classic ones which I think everyone can relate to :

This one is just awesome :

My favorite :

You sure must have gone through this :

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

iPad Paintings

This is the second of my experiments  with Art Brush Pro iPad app. The app is pretty good.
This is based on a painting of Jimi Hendrix from